Monday, 29 August 2011

Graduate Council Meeting

  • The Council welcomes three new members;
  • A Fund is set up for faculty-student research at graduate level.
  • Regarding Leave of Absence Police, old phrase, the students have 9 credits or one year, whichever comes first to raise their GPA (after an academic warning). The Council voted to remove the reference to 'one year'.
  • The sub-committee approved a student's petition to extend another 2 years after an automatic (Dean approved) one year extension (beyond 7 years time limit) expired.
  • An Incomplete grade will need program director's approval.
  • Friday, 19 August 2011

    Independent Studies in Fall 2011

    Independent Study courses are designed to enable faculty and students work on innovative ideas and experimental methods that are often not interested to a regular class size. Here are a partial list of students taking independent study courses in Fall 2011.

    Michael Moorman, Viral Plaque Image Processing, mentor: Dr. Aijuan Dong

    Tuesday, 16 August 2011

    CS 544, 599A Canceled for Fall Semester

    Due to low enrollment, the Graduate School canceled CS 544 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and CS 599A Bioinformatics Algorithms. Not surprisingly, we received more requests to register one day after the decision was passed down.

    The Graduate School monitors class enrollments closely, and usually made the decision to drop a class 7-10 days before the semester starts. Students are encouraged to register early to help us manage course offerings.