Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Computer Kid, Baby Announcement, Zoe the fireball

Zoe Annabelle Moxley was born on April 9, 2013 at 3:40 pm.  She weighed 6 lbs, 7 oz at birth, but is now encroaching upon 10 lbs.

Congratulations to Zack Moxley in MS in CS program.  Zack has been working on an innovative clustering algorithm with NIAID's DAVID project.  Zack also teamed up with an NIH group to assess the performance of new graphics accelerators in bio-medical applications.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Seperate Algorithms Class

There is no final word yet, but it looks like beginning Spring 2014, we will have separate Algorithms class for graduate and undergraduate students.

At many places, a computer science program offers two levels of algorithms class for graduate students. The first one is a survey course, often double numbered as an advanced undergraduate course. The second one is often an advanced algorithms class in a specialized topic depends on the specific instructor's expertise, i.e. Concurrent Algorithms, Bioinformatics Algorithms, or Machine Learning Algorithms, etc.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

ACM Digital Library

We just got a word from the College library that we would have ACM Digital Library subscription within one to two weeks.

This is a great resource, and a very expensive one. I encourage you to start making good use out of it. As a graduate student, you are suppose to read at least 100 papers a year. Now there is no excuse not doing that.

Having the ACM digital library carried by the College, Computer Science students are encouraged to subscribe to the IEEE/Computer Society Digital Library. A student membership cost $40 a year including the digital library subscription fee.

ACM and IEEE/CS are the two main bodies of professional organization in the field of computers. Generally speaking ACM is seen being more academia while the IEEE/CS leaning towards industries.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

At the End of a Semester

Free Books!

As many faculty finally got a chance to clean up their office, many of them put unwanted books in the hallway. Pick them up! As a matter of fact, I often travel to other buildings to collect interesting books in humanities, math, etc.

Friday, 3 May 2013