Thursday, 31 October 2013

Entry Level Position at AAI corp in Timonium

A Biology faculty, whose friend is hiring, passed this to us.  I believe he sent the information to every CS faculty.  If you are interested, contact any of your computer science professors for contact info.

The Systems Analyst is a member of a team that designs, develops, and maintains the enterprise Product Lifecycle Management System (Enovia) for the AAI Business Unit of Textron Corporation.

Job Description:
Implement Business processes through:
  • Customization of the user front end
  • Development of integrations between software tools
  • Unit and System testing
  • Detail Design
  • Gathering/refining user requirements
  • Documenting Processes
  • Supporting end users

  • Programming skills
    • Preferably Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, shell scripting
  • Database application knowledge SQL,
  • Basic personal computer skills (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Good communications skills, both written and oral.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Library Books

There is still a need for a real library in the digital era, and we are still acquiring books with significant expenses.  Faculty at the CS department recommended books to buy, and occasionally helped the library to decide books to give away.

For example, the library notified us they just receive this book: Yau, 2013.  Data Points: Visualization that means something, Wiley.

I encourage you to check out the Hood library.

Also, take advantage of the ACM Digital Library subscriptions for papers and proceedings.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Professional Development Institute

The Graduate Council voted to run a pilot program of a Professional Development Institute.  Topics will include career mentoring, team building, communication and other key skills on path to successful professional career or entrepreneurship.

This will be offered with no cost to students. Application will be capped by discipline.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

KDD 2013

Some highlight of a mining of the KDD 2013:

Best Paper:
Innovation Award: Jon Kleinberg (HITS Algorithms) 

Hot topics (by order):
  1. User Modeling
  2. Scalable Methods
  3. Unsupervised Learning
  4. Supervised Learning
  5. Recommender Systems
  6. Probabilistic Methods
vised Learning
Supervised Learning
Recommender Systems
Probabilistic Methods

Thursday, 10 October 2013

The CUDA Teaching Center at Hood College granted renewal

We are pleased to be notified that the CUDA Teaching Center at Hood College had passed a performance review and granted a renewal.  It also came with a hardware improvement grant of $6,500.

This renewal will enhance our capability to offer courses and student research in High Performance Computing and Big Data areas.

Hood College is the third higher institution in the state of Maryland to raise to a CUDA Center status in July 2010, following Johns Hopkins University (CUDA Excellence Center), and University of Maryland College Park (CUDA Research Center).

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Council Meeting

Some interesting notes from yesterday's Graduate Council meeting:

1) We are lucky to have some high calibre researchers in the filed to help out as adjunct professors in areas we are need their expertise.  We deeply appreciate their commitment and dedication to our students.  However, it was such a shock to learn another department has 114 adjuncts.

2) The Dean of the Graduate School will meet with BOA on the 11th, and BOT on the 17th.  Anything in particular you want her to pass to the two boards?

3) There are 101 graduate students studying at Hood College, coming from 21 countries.  In additional to international students who are mostly on full-time schedule due to immigration regulations, we have 55 domestic full-time students at this time.  Combined, full time students represents 42% of credits counts and 25% of FTE equivalent headcounts.  All while we do not have much resources specifically allocated to serve full time students.  We must change to adapt.

4) The Graduate School is having its web contents under its own control, or so we were told.

5) We would love to have current students, graduates and alums to step forward and help us in promoting our programs.

Monday, 7 October 2013

NSA Intern Opportunity

Internship at the Council on CyberSecurity

At the Council on CyberSecurity there are immediate openings for paid internships. Candidates need to have good GPA, good analytic and writing skills, and be collaborative, with good interpersonal skills. This is a great opportunity for one or two Hood students with strong interest in cyber security. At least 8 hours per week commitment is required and depending on the nature of the work, an agreement could be reached regarding receiving Hood credits. The internships likely would last for a semester, and have both a virtual and locational aspect--with the farthest distance being Rosslyn, Virginia. While the work description is still evolving, typical work could include doing background web research on companies in cyber that are doing certifications and publishing best practices among other tasks. The Council will also be starting an initiative to rate schools across the U.S. on their ability to prepare the cyber workforce of the future. This latter work would enable a Hood intern to learn a great deal about cyber security disciplines and approaches.

The Council is also interested and open to considering well-rounded candidates so majors in economics, political science, and other social and natural sciences might also be accepted if they were great students.

If interested, send your resume and cover letter to Maurice Uenuma ( and Deirdre Durrance (

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Prerequisite Dependency Flowchart for Courses in MS in CS Program

Prerequisite courses: green;
Core courses: blue;
IT courses: red;
CS 503 has Math 505 as a prerequisite, but concurrent enrolment is allowed