Monday, 16 September 2013

Building Wireless Networks in Nepal (lecture)

On Wednesday at 7:30 in HT 131, Nepali social entrepreneur Mahabir Pun will speak on on his extensive work in applying information and communication technologies to develop remote areas of the Himalayas.

Mahabir Pun is recognized for his extensive work in applying information and communication technologies (specially wireless technologies) to develop remote areas of the Himalayas, also known as the Nepal Wireless Networking Project. He is the winner of the 2007 Ramon Magsaysay (aka Asia's Nobel Prize) award for community leadership (
After working as a teacher for several years, he went to the US and completed master's degree in education from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Later, he also got an Honorary Degree, Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of Nebraska, USA in 2007. He went back to Nepal and currently working in education, nature conservation, community development and wireless networking fields. He first dreamed of connecting his village of Nangi to the internet in 1997. He is working ever since to bring the internet to rural Nepal using wireless technology. So far he has constructed computer labs at several schools, connected several villages using wireless in Nepal. He has already connected several villages, and now working on expanding the wireless network to different parts of Nepal and use it for educational, health, communication, local e-commerce, weather monitoring and scientific research purposes. He was awarded Ramon Magsaysay award because of the use of wireless technology for the benefit of rural people in Nepal. He is currently the Program Director for the Himanchal Educational Foundation.
Thank Jiwan Giri for arranging this opportunity for us.

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